Soziale Ungleichheit und Soziale Strukturen




Where does science stand? Values, commitments and functions of sciences in societies.

15231 - Übung

Veit Braun

Do. 14-16 Uhr ct., Konradstr. 6, 108
Beginn: 24.07.2017   Ende: 27.07.2017


Have you ever tried to explain to others, what your discipline is good for – except for doing more research in the same field? Science is in a strange dilemma: on the one hand, it is supposed to be objective and disinterested in the world's political quarrels; on the other it is difficult to explain why outsiders should, in turn, have any interest in funding an activity that seems to be exclusively occupied with itself.

This difficulty turns into a problem when scienctists have to face an outside world which demands answers, explanations, or responsibility for the results of their work. How should, how can scientists, both natural and social, position themselves if they do not want to sacrifice objectivity for responsibility, and vice versa? And what are the prerequisites for becoming a scientist in the first place?

Discussing different ideas on how, by whom, for whom, and from where sciences should be done, this course wants to explore what scientists of different disciplines are after and what is expected from science by in- and outsiders.


  • Weber, M. (2004). Science as Vocation, in The Vocation Lectures. Illinois: Hackett Books.
  • Bourdieu, P. (2006). Science of science and reflexivity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Haraway, D. (1988). Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies, 14(3), 575.


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  • regelmäßige und aktive Teilnahme
  • kontinuierliche Lektüre der Literatur


  • Hausarbeit/Essays
  • Referat
  • 3 ECTS