Soziale Ungleichheit und Soziale Strukturen




Ecological Economics

15142 - Übung

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gill

Mo. 10-12 Uhr c.t., Konradstr. 6, Raum 309
Beginn: 11.04.2016   Ende: 11.07.2016

Ecological Economics is a new and heterodoxical approach to the question of scarcity of natural resources. It challenges the Neoclassical idea that physical resources can be easily substituted by new technologies, i.e. with capital and labor, the traditional production factors. Further, it tackles the idea that private property is always the best management principle for scarce resources – which had been brought about by New Institutional Economics. And in macroeconomical perspective it questions mainstream Keynesianism for its obsession with economic growth. On the basis of these three critiques it tries to establish a degrowth perspective: Economic growth is declining anyway in Western societies, and this is good so for ecological reasons. But we should try to avoid detrimental consequences like unemployment by adapting our microeconomical and macroeconomical institutions to the challenges ahead.


  • Common, Mick / Stagl, Sigrid, 2005: Ecological Economics. An Introduction.


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